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Embrace the changes

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” —John F. Kennedy

I want to write a couple things on changes that happen all the time and which we don't notice or choose to do so. Not sure what they teach children in your country but in Belarus of 90-00s there was not much interest in a child that had some interests in topic that was out of school programs. And it made me into self-harming youngster who didn't know what to do and where to go. For some times I felt like there were no changes around me, which was faulty way of thinking. So that approach rooted in me until I've got into a University. People there had a lot of interests so different of mine that all first year I've been stunned. It was so hard for me to get it - people, that have will, do embrace changes and adapt to it to go further with their plans.

What was so alien for me back then, became a most important force in my life now. To be able to move in current flow of life people should wish to see those changes that happens around them.

It's fortunately if you've got will to move forward. As important as be able to move is to know what is the goal. And it's not like you choose a goal and move along it for 5-10 years. It's a process that have to be adjusted and corrected with time going. You want to be sure that a sport car you've picked is really meaningful goal for you, maybe it would be meaningful to switch focus of more feasible goal invest into your education.

As well you must understand your motivation behind your plans. It's makes if pretty easy to work on your parrents business if you know that it makes your parents a bit happier and let them spend free time as they wish. Be aware of your thoughts on plans and prioritize them accordingly. But there should be propper ballance in meaning behind the task, it's importance and it's difficulty. You won't grow without propper hcallenge as you won't be enjoying success after hard work if you don't care about it much.

Summarizing all above - have heart to understand your motivation behind what you do, seek wisdom to know to to reach you goals and adjust it with time, you have to be strong and show some discipline in case when everyone around is moody and morale is low, be able to reach your soul and descide if what you about to do matches with your principles.

Count it as short review of  Stephen R. Covey book - The 8th Habit.

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