“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” — John F. Kennedy I want to write a couple things on changes that happen all the time and which we don't notice or choose to do so. Not sure what they teach children in your country but in Belarus of 90-00s there was not much interest in a child that had some interests in topic that was out of school programs. And it made me into self-harming youngster who didn't know what to do and where to go. For some times I felt like there were no changes around me, which was faulty way of thinking. So that approach rooted in me until I've got into a University. People there had a lot of interests so different of mine that all first year I've been stunned. It was so hard for me to get it - people, that have will, do embrace changes and adapt to it to go further with their plans. What was so alien for me back then, became a most important force in my life now. To be abl...
How many ways to check if code is OK do you know? Probably the one would make a list with debuggers, logging, static/dynamic checkers, profilers and some other tools. The tools the one has in the list are there cause they've been checked with a time. They don't cover all the possible cases of mistakes that could be made during coding phase of a project, but they cover necessary minimum. Today we will try to extend our tool set with a young tools that already got into clang and if you have clang on your machine you can give it a try.